
介绍 . introduction

Hello, my name is Cecilia, 白兰 for the Chinese (and those who met me for the first time in China).
I'm 21 years old (actually not yet, at the moment of writing); currently attending the second year of Chinese Language and Culture at Ca' Foscari University of Venice.

During the second year of high school, my English teacher kept on talking to me about the chance to study abroad for even a year. With "abroad", she probably meant an English speaking country, not China for sure! But that's where I ended up going: a whole scholastic year spent among interesting people in "small" ShiJiaZhuang (河北,石家庄). Thanks to this amazing experience, I decided to keep on studying Chinese.

In January 2013 I won a contest, getting the opportunity to spend a semester in an extra UE country.
So here I am, plane tickets bought and leaving for China in the middle of August!

Sure I'm looking forward to be back there (and meet some of my old friends, hopefully!) :)

PS: please, forgive my many mistakes, since English is not my first language!

1 comment:

  1. Wooo! Hi Cecilia! It's me, Riccardo! I'm your first commenter! *waves hands hysterically in the air from the back hoping to get noticed while the rest of the crowd glares at him like the arsehole he is*
